Saturday, November 7, 2009


i got very, very stoned last night and decided to make a blog.
don't reckon it'll last a week.

why ruined? its what i do. to situations, to circumstances, to my favourite white dress i accidentally put in the wash with my red cardigan.
ruining things and me go hand in hand.

i think i love terry richardson. that guy has fucking class. in a really not classy kind of way.

revs exam is in four days. i'm not ready.
but after exams:
brig's dance concert
dean's Ball
kebabs with spanner and fat
nose piercing
hey! teacher.
and then holidays. three fucking months of holidays.

i am holding my breath.

liz is coming down in January 8-18 (which reminds me, get mum to book tickets)
party time? excellent.
pretty much the point of this blog is to document a summer i hope i remember for a long time.
my last summer as a child.
my last summer before year 12.
mhe most freaking epic summer ever known to man.

people to catch up with:
tom lew
party crew
epic Crew
and all other crews in between.

tonight the core is going to d's to exchange kks.
i have lydia. i couldn't decide between fake barbie called belinda or a whole bunch of shit.
i chose the shit.
i should have chose belinda.
i'm going to make her a card.
"girl i said it, rub on yo titties!"

must remember to text luke back, he definitely texted me a 2.30am yesterday to tell me he was sorry i wasn't out.
i wasn't sorry. i was baked.

we were fucking around with long exposure last night.
i freaking love long exposure.

on the topic of long, this has been a fucking long post.
see you on the other side of kks.

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